So I've come to the end of a week and into another sabbath day.....I'm soooo thankful. The thing is it happend so fast. i thought today was thursday. iHad no idea that it was Friday. That in itself is a testament of how good the Lord is. iWent riding today to work out and iPromise u iSaw a donkey. a real live donkey. and I'm like, "man iAm definitely in the country." but it's not that bad now. Of course iCant wait to be back home in Detroit. iMight even kiss the dirty city ground when iGet there. But iRealized that my happiness is not predicated on the location of my being, but on the location of my heart. Ultimately my heart is with the Lord. And that's why iCan ride along a country road and look at donkeys and cows and still be perfectly content with my music in my ear. Believe me, the closest iHave ever been to a donkey was Shrek before today. But still I'm always the most at peace when I'm riding my bike, or playing my guitar. It's like time could pass and iWould be none the wiser. Alot of people might not understand my sabbath and why iDo the things iDo but iKnow one thing, this is a day when iCan sit back and relax. Hang at the crib with my church friends, eat, eat, and eat, SLEEP (which iDont do alot of during the school year being that i'm a Renaissance student), go to church, hear beautiful words and music, OH AND TO ALL MY FELLOW FRIENDS WHO iKNOW ARE LIKE ME.....UR PARENTS DONT MAKE U DO CHORES OR HOMEWORK!!!!! o yea. the sabbath is about rest baby. rest and communing with the Lord. iGet to lay up under my mawwwmee, (despite how any times she tries to push me away), and ijust get to be me. Yea, iMiss out on a couple of TV shows...solution: DVR or TIVO....yea iMissed out on a couple Homecomings and parties...solution: alot of em sucked and I've been to my share anyway. iStill get to go to homecoming senior year (when it really matters) cause its on a saturday, and iStill got prom. iLove my lifestyle.....yea sometimes iBuck it....I'm not perfect, nobody on this earths surface is but at the end of the day iKnow what and who I'm living for. And when iGet swayed and discouraged or down I'll just think about that donkey on the country road or those "moo-cows" as Shida would call them, and I'll rememeber how lucky iAm......scratch that.....BLESSED.