( iKnow itz Long but if u claim to be in love or if somebody claims to love u, u need to read THEE WHOLE THING)
Love. So many people use ur name in Vain. To use something in vain: to misuse, abuse, misinterpret, misunderstand, or just plain old disrespect.Musiq couldnt have said it better. iHave been thinking, looking at other peoples situations, situations I've been in personally, and even am currently in....and I've noticed one thing. everybody is in "Love". everybody wants to love. but it's my opinion that people dont know what love really is. Love can be so many things. some love is genetic. instilled in us from birth. like the love a child feels for its mother or father or family, etc. but other love, like the love between a man or woman, girl or boy is different. Love is often mistaken for infatuation. they think because they love to be near you or because they love to look at you, touch you, etc. that they love you. butterflies dont equal love either. the best way i can describe real love is the absence of self....let me repeat that. the ABSENCE of self. when u really love somebody, u see nobody else. u could be in a room full of people and see only one person. when u really love somebody u protect them, which also means that u protect thier feelings meaning that u dont do anything that could potentially hurt them. u find urself thinking of them before u even think of urself. real love can withstand and conquer all. see the thing about love is that it "knows no bounds" there is no beginning and there is no end. there is no getting sick of love or trading it in for a better model. there is no second guessing in love. it just IS. no questions about it. to love somebody is not to accept them and all their flaws. thats called tolerating. Loving somebody is knowing that they have flaws but embracing and loving those too. not just accepting them. in love even if ur mad at them or they piss u off, u still find urself going grocery shopping and picking up the food item that u dont like but u get it anyway and cook it for them just because they like it. all the while ur still pissed. because see what people tend to forget is that love loves no matter what. love also does not look for satisfaction or fullfillment in anything else because well, the point is that in love, that person is all u need. "where thou desire thou does not love, and where thou love thou does desire." --anonymous in love they dont have to always be around for u to still feel them. "It is not the presence or absence of people that makes the difference because a person need not be lonely even if he is alone. Sometimes it is good to be alone. But that does not make us lonely. It is not a matter of being present WITH someone. It is a matter of being present TO someone."
Love is an unrehearsed, magnetic, unprecedented, and unexplainable emotion. alot of the time in love u lose. becuase love is also sacrifice. LOVE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN 4 LOWLY LETTERS. if u love me i dont need ur words. show me. just because you say it doesnt make it gospel. love is what u do. what u show. in love u should be able to look in ur partners eyes and see urself....see forever....know them like u know urself. but i think the most important thing is this: Love IS GOD. Love is spiritual. (and this is my opinion) but i think if u love somebody u should be able to pray with them.....u know ur relationship is good if it involves religion. nothing can survive without the Lord which is why I'm gonna close here with this. THIS SuMS UP THE WHOLE NOTE:
::1Corinthians 13:: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
so.......are u in Love?
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