so, I'm sitting here and I'm listneng to If this world were mine by Luther Vandross and I'm so Proud of You by The Impressions. two great oldies. and I'm wondering why people dont think of love in the same way now as they did then. back when a love song really was a love song. back when a love song could make u cry. Dont get me wrong, every now and then we get the Ginuwines, or the Ushers,or the Justin Timberlakes to make a pretty impressive love song, and sometimes you may even get the Powerhouse tear-jerking ballads like Maxwell's "This Womans Work". still i dont seem to be getting the guaranteed songs with lyrics like "At last my love has come along, my lonely days are over and life is like a song" (ella fitzgerald) or "I only have eyes for you" (The Flamingos), or Songs about livingroom furniture that still make you wanna weep (Luther) see, iGrew up on Prince, Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra, Teena Marie, Earth Wind and Fire, and people who knew what real love was. So now iGuess because of my long hours sprawled across my bed listening to people croon over lost loves, fantasy affairs, and lifetime loves full of moonlit kisses, iHave grown to have this idealism of what love should be. and I'm starting to think thats why i have so often become so disappointed. I've grown up in a society where love is fuckin in a club, or turning one's anatomy into hard candy. **DISCLAIMER** {now i'm not knockin fans of modern music, i.e Wayne and "lolipop", i mean u can catch me blasting it on any given day} the difference is, thats not my reality. that's my fun. my reality is "if i just see you every morning when i open my eyes" but, although the people i associae myself with claim to be in touch to what love is and how i want and need to be loved. somewhere we have a disconnect. seems all the hours i spent as a 10 year old listening to Blue Moon, my counterparts were listening to "the thong song". and u know its okay, i respect that, and i dont think that my lifestyle is any beter than anybody elses, because like i said i listen to eveything under the sun. the problem is what kind of attitude you let manisfest when u let certain things into your mind. It comforts me to think that some boy somewhere was sittin on the couch listening to his mom blast songs about men staying on thier knees forever and never walking again, while i was laying on my bed listening to Somebody Croon over their happily ever after. It comforts me even more to think that that same person sits on the edge of his bed thinking about me with an ipod jammed in his ear. somebody that thinks me getting on a sk8board is not completely dorkish, or if they do, they love it anyway. somebody who would shout my name from the top of the {insert tall building}. someone who will vow to make me better, love me for a lifetime, spend thier life with me, somebody to be incomplete without me, sombody who would fall on bended knee if they had to, somebody to say our love was Mo' Better, somebody who wouldn't mind sharing a flower or two if This World Were Theirs, somebody who didnt think i was complicated. Somebody who thought Nothing Even Mattered but me, And sombody who knew This Womans Worth. Till Then.....DJ Play Me A Love Song{{♥}}
This is so true, choir rat...lol
unless one grew up on the say type of music as you in which case...we're in the same measure.
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