soooo....i been thinkin right? about SEX. some people take it more serious than others. now, iUsed to have this idology that it had to be all perfect and stuff, but now, I'm not so sure. phyisical, physical. thats all i can get from it. so the question here is this. do i keep bein the good ol girl? or do i go along with the changes life has dealt me? idk, iThink i'm a Good Girl Gone Bad. and u know what? that doesnt bother me. why should i give a fuck? most people dont. plus i always wanted to try sex on a skateboard. LMAO!! no really. when things dont go ur way alot of times, u tend to change. I think i'm changin right before my very eyes. since i dont think imma have the Juno sittin on the corner playin my guitar love, then hey. time to throw down...cause u know........{ refer to the title}
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