so, i'm on the road to Alabama and i see cows. moo cows. i'm sleepy but iCant go to sleep because iHave to keep him up and iAlso have to drive in a min.....the car is PACKED my guitar is in the rearview mirror and we look like a traveling band of musicians. what a band that would be. a teenage black girl, a crippled old lady with a wig, and a 5'5 daddy that like fusion jazz. what would we play? my guitar and the spoons. lol. and when i say the car is packed. i mean it. thank God i'm in the front seat....but dude....i'm sitting next to a plant....a plant. i'm filled up on caffine but i dont feel a buzz. it doesnt feel like its helping but i have a theory that if i hadnt've had that aramel crunch swirl loaded with 10,765,456,456,987,456 grams of sugar and 10 shots of espresso, i'd be drooling down the leather seats by now. and what the hell is up with sad ass ohio. there is absolutely nothing in this place. i'ts no better than hoe ass alabama i cant wait till we drive through tenessee cause there is nothing to do here but make babies and go to work. i'm the kind of person that likes to hear a siren every now and dont get me wrong, a frog or two aint bad but, not 24/7. i think the best thing would be if i could live in a secluded place but be able to drive into the city when i wanted to like in less than a half an hour.... i dont know but i know iwant a glass house...literally. but uh...i'm about to take the wheel now so......i guess this is to be continued....7 hours to go.
MOO COWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*clears throat*
awwww. iLove shida
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